About Us
Chainupon String Lights we are made and offer for decoration string lights and table lamps which we ship to all over the world.
We are welcome everyone to our website. We are made handmade string lights and table lamps. Service to your customers can be proud of our quality products, export all the. Every piece is carefully crafted in every detail, all of these are handmade pieces of it came from the manufacturer with expertise in making the product. Therefore, it is guaranteed that each lamp is a perfect decoration for your room such as houses various locations for events such as weddings, celebrations, parties, etc.. To enhance the atmosphere of the place to meet your needs.
We are welcome everyone to our website. We are made handmade string lights and table lamps. Service to your customers can be proud of our quality products, export all the. Every piece is carefully crafted in every detail, all of these are handmade pieces of it came from the manufacturer with expertise in making the product. Therefore, it is guaranteed that each lamp is a perfect decoration for your room such as houses various locations for events such as weddings, celebrations, parties, etc.. To enhance the atmosphere of the place to meet your needs.